Beta Delphis

A Battlelords of the 23rd Century Campaign.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

2279.023 - Naxtar (0944) - No Man's Land, Fornax

Eridani Swordsaints stopped the Black Monday terrorist organization from attempting assassination on a shuttle destined to transport several Nog to the surface of Naxtar. The AMC shuttle was going to take Eridani Nog, Swordsaint bodyguards and company officials to a meeting at the corporation’s facility. The shuttle was apparently hijacked on the surface, by Black Monday group disguising as AMC officials. The terrorists attempted to detonate explosives on the shuttle while it was being boarded by the Eridani. Several eyewitnesses reported the Swordsaints quickly defeated the terrorists in violent melee combat, and moved the shuttle a safe distance from the liner while the others stayed safely behind. Apparently they were not able to stop the detonation from occurring, as the shuttle was destroyed in a brilliant explosion. It is not known if there were any survivors left after the skirmish. Eridani vow revenge on the Black Monday group, while AMC was unavailable for comment.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

2279.018 - Naxtar (0944) - No Man's Land, Fornax

The Arlington Association has recently come under fire for its alleged support of the Fireborn Mercenary orgainzation. The Fireborn are know for thier extreme tactics, disproportionate response methods, and significant civilian collateral damage. They are also suspected to be organized by the Black Monday group. Several reports have surfaced which show donations by the Arlington Association to the Fireborn in the past few years. Many of the sources speaking out against the Fireborn have been kept secret for fear of retaliation. A spokesman for the Arlington Association cliams that the funding in question was provided to a legitimate organization raising money for soldiers families, and that the Association is well known for its "history of legitimate donations to soldiers and mercenaries groups that we all take for granted". Investigations have shown this was a front for the Fireborn, and a common method for them to use to get access to public financial sources. The Fireborn have been credited last month with destroying, along with hundreds of civilian casualties, a group of Phentari who were suspected of attacking and eating humans on the planet Ophea (1134). These Phentari would hunt and kill drug abusers, which were an easy target. In the retaliation of the group, hundreds of local inhabitants were killed.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

2279.022 - Yeppter (0549) - No Man's Land, Fornax

Galactic Control forces working undercover on Yeppter have uncovered and stopped a plot by Rebels to purchase controlled weapons from Arms Dealer Future Tech. A battle erupted in the orbit around the Up-Port involving several Galactic Control officials and nearly a dozen Rebel forces. No official word from Galactic Control acknowledged the incident, but several eyewitnesses reported seeing clashes between unmarked individuals in heavy armor attacking and boarding a Future Tech freighter with resistance from unknown forces. The battlefield was then quickly quarantined by Alliance authority. The dictator Scarmithis Phentari (a majority share holder in Future Tech) denied any involvement with the Rebels, and noted that any legitimate business can "involuntarily become the subject of Rebel deception".

Monday, April 5, 2010

2279.017 - Jaloon, (1238) No Man's Land, Fornax

An armed trader, with agents of ARM on board, was intercepted by a patroling Chatilian Defense Group (CDG) frigate. Routine inspection led to capture and seizure of contraband which included biological agents being transported to an unknown destination. Apparently there was little fight as the CDG was able to subdue the armed trader thru use of Matrix powers. Captain Karhnaka Dalx of the CDG frigate Truth in Harmony, claims the ARM agents were en-route to an unknown destination within the Fornax galaxy to deploy these agents on another intergalactic community. Jaloon has been known for its ARM activity in recent years. The ARM have been know to genetically modify the local HAL's to conduct devastating terrorist attacks on the population.

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